Today we've got another new SV battler, this time a hornet! This insect is ready to fly all over the battlefield and sting any heroes unlucky enough to face it! Hopefully none of your heroes are allergic...
Spiders are a staple enemy for heroes to face, so obviously I needed to make some battlers for them. Based on the brightly-colored default spider, this guy is sure to cause trouble for any heroes-in-training.
I've noticed that there aren't all that many options for monster enemies if you use SV sprites in battle. Sure, there're a few here and there, and you can make humanoid beastmen using my generator pieces, but actual monster sprites seem limited.
It's time to change that. First up, a new hero's usual foe: rats. Today I've got a two windowskins (with a bunch of different colors!) for you to use to spice up your game's look. Happy game making!
What's new?Here's where you can find my pieces, and my updates to the generator packs. Archives
November 2019